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  • 【作者】:刘晓玲
  • 【出版时间】:2014-12
  • 【字 数】:401(千字)
  • 【定 价】:¥38(元)
  • 【出 版 社】:中南大学出版社
  • 【ISBN】:978-7-5487-1230-5
  • 【页 码】:(页)
  • 【开 本】:32开

My warmest congratulations to the Central South University Press on its decision to launch a new series of publications with the title Writings on Foreign Language Education. The series will publish a representative selection of uptodate articles on educational linguisticslanguage pedagogy and the significant fusion of business, management, and education sciences with linguistics, literature, and translation studies. The contributors will be leading scholars in their field at Zhanjiang Normal University and elsewhere.

The university, founded as the Leiyang Academy in 1636, has encouraged teachers and students to engage in multidisciplinary studies in order to develop their capacity as responsible members of a knowledge based economy. This series, with its fusion of theoretical and practical fields, continues this distinguished tradition.

The books that will be published are a contribution to Chinas recognition of globalization and the significance of multilingual proficiency in a complex interdependent world. It aims to show the intimate ties between language and education, and help develop the careers of students of educational linguistics.

I am honored to have been invited to write a preface for this important series which will, I am sure, contribute greatly to the advancement of science and the international reputation of the Press and the University.

Chapter 1 How People Learn Language(1)
1.1 How do people learn? (1)
1.2 How do people learn language? (8)
1.3 How are learners different from one another? (17)
Chapter 2 Development of Foreign Language Instruction(28)
2.1 What are the most recognized FL teaching methods? (29)
2.2 What are the teaching principles in “postmethod era”? (46)
Chapter 3 English Curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education (54)
3.1 What are the principles of English Curriculum Standards (2011)? (56)
3.2 What do we mean by creativity in foreign language classroom? (86)
3.3 How to develop English curriculum? (89)
Chapter 4 Foreign Language Instructional Design(119)
4.1 How to establish learning objectives? (122)
4.2 How to develop learning materials? (128)
4.3 How to identify learning activities? (131)
4.4 How to determine assessment of learning? (146)
4.5 How to develop homework/extended learning? (151)
4.6 What are the common mistakes in instructional design? (157)
4.7 What are the typical formats for instructional design? (159)
Chapter 5 Instruction of Pronunciation(187)
5.1 What is involved in pronunciation learning? (187)
5.2 How to teach pronunciation? (188)
5.3 How to assess pronunciation learning? (217)
Chapter 6 Instruction of Vocabular(223)
6.1 What is involved in vocabulary learning? (224)
6.2 How to manage vocabulary learning? (224)
6.3 How to motivate learners? (240)
6.4 How to develop vocabulary learning strategies? (242)
6.5 How to assess vocabulary learning? (249)
Chapter 7 Instruction of Grammar(256)
7.1 What is involved in grammar learning? (259)
7.2 How to manage grammar learning? (264)
7.3 How to assess grammar learning? (277)
Chapter 8 Instruction of Listening(281)
8.1 What is involved in listening? (282)
8.2 How to promote listening comprehension? (288)
8.3 How to build up listening strategies? (306)
8.4 How to assess listening proficiency? (316)
Chapter 9 Instruction of Speaking(326)
9.1 What is involved in speaking? (327)
9.2 How to arrange speaking activities? (330)
9.3 How to scaffold speaking? (341)
9.4 How to build up communicative strategies? (350)
9.5 How to assess speaking ability? (352)
Chapter 10 Instruction of Reading(364)
10.1 What is involved in reading? (364)
10.2 How to promote reading comprehension? (367)
10.3 How to build up reading strategies? (380)
10.4 How to inspire extensive reading? (387)
10.5 How to assess reading proficiency? (389)
Chapter 11 Instruction of Writing (403)
11.1 What is involved in writing? (404)
11.2 What are the principles of teaching writing? (405)
11.3 How to manage process writing in classroom? (417)
11.4 How to assess writing proficiency? (428)
Chapter 12 Foreign Language Classroom Management(443)
12.1 How to organize classroom? (444)
12.2 How to establish class routines? (447)
12.3 How to develop positive relationship? (448)
12.4 How to implement engaging instruction? (452)
12.5 How to allocate class time? (462)
12.6 How to prevent & deal with discipline problems? (463)
12.7 What are the common mistakes in classroom management? (476)
12.8 What are the challenges for teachers? (477)


当前我国义务教育英语课程深入改革和发展对中小学英语教师的理论认识与创造性教学实践能力提出了新要求。“以学为本、 因学论教”成为课改的主题, 指导学生学习英语成为教师的主要任务。本书在吸取国内同类教材智慧的基础上, 从“人是如何学习语言的?(How people learn language)”这一本源问题入手, 运用国外语言学习、 教学设计研究成果来探讨如何创造性实施英语课程标准、 深化中小学英语教学改革。

本书的结构和内容基于作者长期从事中小学英语教学工作以及在中小学指导英语专业师范生教育实习工作的实践经历, 融合理论思考与课例分析, 联系义务教育英语课程标准相关内容及要求分析、 探讨中小学英语教学需要解决的理论与现实问题。全书可分为三部分。

第一部分是外语教学理论基础, 包括第一至四章, 分别探讨语言学习理论、 外语教学发展历史与教学方法、 义务教育英语课程标准(2011年)、 外语教学设计。

第二部分是本书主体(第五至十一章), 主要运用“目标(objectives)-活动(activities)-评价(assessment)”三维设计理论探讨英语语音、 词汇、 语法、 听、 说、 读、 写教学, 突出学习者和英语学习过程的实践体验性。

第三部分即第十二章探讨外语课堂管理。 作为“广东省特色专业英语(师范类)”建设项目的成果之一, 本书的写作得到了该项目主持人及“外语教育文丛”主编曹志希教授倾力支持, 得到了中南大学出版社谭晓萍副总编的热心关照。在此, 作者深表感激、 一并致谢。

因作者水平所限, 书中不当、 不足之处在所难免, 恳请读者批评指正。



